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Need to promote wine tourism in India

World over, wine tourism is experiencing a real revolution, with the arrival of more and more demanding customers. With visitors now coming from around the globe, high-end and personalized requests are a pouring in for wine-soaked, leisure –filled trips.

Be it Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Australia, South Africa, Chile or California, wine tourism is attracting a big number of travelers from all across the world. These wine lovers and adventure seekers not only bring in money to the coffers of vineyards, also act as brand ambassadors for their respective eco-systems by spreading the word around.

India too has many sprawling vineyards in Nashik and Bengaluru which can act as catalyst for the promotion of wine culture in India. Some vineyards like Sula keep doing wine event at its property (which has become quite a rage over the years) but more has to be done by the companies like Grover Zampa, Fratelli , KRSMA etc to attract a larger number of people to their vineyards and wineries.

Fratelli Wines has a small but beautiful guest house at the winery which is just close to their vineyards, spreading around a beautiful landscape. Soma Vine Village near Nashik (close to Sula Vineyards) is the only well appointed vine village, offering rooms, cottages and villas to the guests. It also has two restaurants with its winery within the premises.

Indian wine consumption is dismal, more needed to be done to bring more and more drinking people into its fold. Nothing could be better than calling them at these vineyards and wineries, teach them about the wines and thereby shatter many myths and misconception attached to wines.  Once they lose fear of wines (that it belongs to upper strata of society) , they will start loving it.

All the wine companies should hands in promoting wine culture in India; else we can just keep weeping over the pathetic status of wine sales.

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