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Best Packaging – Gold Chandon India’s Party Starter, Moét Hennessy India Pvt Ltd

The Party Starter Limited Edition bottles mark a milestone for Chandon India, as they represent the brand’s first-ever limited edition innovation created for India. These bottles for two Party Starter variants – Brut and Rosé – have been exclusively designed for the end-of-year celebrations.

The bottles are enrobed in a special white sleeve with luscious gold and pink graffiti letters that spell out the message that each variant repre- sents. The messages are descriptive of the moments that the Brut (‘The Party Starter’ – spontaneous, chic and genuine) and the Rosé (‘Start The Love’ – glamorous, special and romantic) represent.

While the Indian alco-beverage industry has seen attempts at sleeving of bottles, the quality and degree of perfection achieved on the limited edition bottles clearly defines the leadership in packaging Chandon India brand holds in India’s wine world.

The vibrant gold and pink graffiti coupled with Chandon India’s already strong visibility in top retailers across India helps in making the bottles stand-out on the shelf.

A sparkling wine bottle’s ability to maintain its packaging inside an ice bucket as the ice melts is its best test parameter.  To ensure that there is no challenge with the labels or the sleeve when the bottle sweats, Chan-don India chose the material that would work when the bottles are chilled.

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