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White Rhino craft beer launched in Gurgaon

Premium craft beer White Rhino has been launched in Gurgaon. The beer will be available on tap as well as in bottles.

Gurgaon craft beer lovers are being offered two variants of White Rhino – a Munich-style Lager and a Belgian Wheat Beer. Soon other beer styles will also be introduced in the city.

The Gurgaon launch will be followed by the introduction of its craft beer in Delhi, Goa and Chandigarh over the next few months and in Mumbai, Pune and Bengaluru during the course of 2017.

“Brewed in classic Belgian tradition, White Rhino’s wheat beer or Wit is designed to be complex, refreshing and eminently drinkable. Its flavour profile is almost entirely defined by its low bitterness, aromatic spice blends and distinctive yeast strain. This unique offering combines the best of both worlds – authentic Curacao orange peel from Europe along with the finest Indian coriander,” says a company release.

The Lager variant of White Rhino, heavily inspired by German traditions, has been brewed in the style of a Munich Helles lager. This clean and deceptively simple beer focuses on the pure flavour of malt and water in perfect harmony with just the right amount of “noble” hops. Over one month of lagering (storage at -1 degree Celsius) gives this beer its characteristic smoothness, the release says.

Speaking about their goals, White Rhino Brewing Co-founder and Director Ishaan Puri says, “We are proud to launch White Rhino, India’s very own craft beer. We wanted to make beer for India that would stand up to an international standard. This necessitated sourcing equipment, ingredients and personnel from far-flung corners of the world. It has cost us more in time,

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