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The informed consumer wants value for money’ Malay Rout, CEO InAct

Today the consumer is informed. He/she is well aware of what he/she is drinking along with the credentials of the drink. So it’s no more just a cocktail but the ingredients and why they are available in that glass. Alcohol consumption is gradually becoming a complete experience. Drinking is no more for getting drunk. Earlier one’s liking for a particular brand used to be life-long loyalty. But now brand awareness is the mantra. So people are ready to try new drinks on regular basis.

Earlier all cocktail menus were very similar and offered few options. But today a variety of cocktail menus are available. Noteworthy are premium menus which offer innovative cocktails that are developed after lots of trials. Today thanks to their extensive exposure to the new developments in cocktail world, the bar staff is trying on daily basis to come up with new improved versions of cocktails. Today mocktail seems to be the stepping stone to the world of experiments with alcoholic beverages.

What is new in today’s drinking may sound very simple but it has undercurrents of a revolution. For example, vodka with soft drink has given way to vodka with tonic water and a dash of lime cordial. So it’s no more generic but very personalized. In domestic wines, premiumisation is happening big time which is a healthy sign.

The inclination to secure value for one’s money has played a vital role in shaping people’s drinking choices. They are ready to pay depending upon the quality of service and the product
they are getting. So the idea is to have the options so that one can choose the best fit. The cheap stuff will not sell any more.

When I started the Wine & Spirits Club of India, the idea was to educate people how to enjoy the drink so that one becomes capable of analyzing one’s drink. We must all strive to understand alcohol in a better manner so that we could really enjoy it.

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