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Australia next Country of Honour at Vinexpo Hong Kong

The  spotlight  will  be  on  Australia at  the  next  Vinexpo  Hong  Kong, the  strategic  international event for wine and spirits professionals in the Asia-Pacific  region.  The  exhibition will be held from May 29–31, 2018 at  the  Hong  Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

As the world’s fifth largest wine exporter, the second largest exporter to China, and with a growth outlook of 25 percent in volume by 2020, Australia is a major industry player. It is estimated that growth in consumption of its still wines will be USD 4.3 billion between 2016 and 2020.

Giving pride of place to Australia was therefore a natural choice for Vinexpo, whose brand has been present in Asia for 20 years: “Vinexpo is very proud to welcome Australia as  the  Country  of  Honour  for  the

20th  anniversary of its Hong Kong edition. This decision reflects Asian consumers’ growing appetite for Australian wines, and Vinexpo aims to celebrate the buoyancy of the Australian winemaking industry”, says Guillaume Deglise, CEO of Vinexpo.


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