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‘Bottle producers unable to fulfil small orders’

The Indian packaging industry has taken great strides in technology advancement to fulfil the requirements of the liquor industry. Elaborating this view, Rakshit N Jagdale, Executive Director – Marketing, Amrut Distilleries, says, “There has been a sea-change in the liquor packaging in India, especially the bottle shapes, label design and innovative gift packages. The prime reason for these changes is the availability of good technology.”


According to Rakshit, domestic bottle manufacturers are well equipped technologically, but the constraint the liquor industry faces while dealing with them is of the order volume. “They demand huge volume for every single order which prohibits the small- and medium-sized distillers to buy from them. This is a major hurdle faced by everyone,” explains Rakshit.

In contrast to bottle manufacturers, “label printers are not technologically well equipped in our country to give the best international standard labels,” he says.

When asked about the new trends in caps and closures, Rakshit responds, “As of now Guala closures are being used by all the companies for their premium brands. We use these closures for our premium brands of whisky, brandy and rum.”

Is consumer fatigue a reason behind the companies changing the product packaging? “Not really. In the liquor industry, early fatigue is not a serious problem,” says Rakshit.

However, he emphasizes “the important role bottles, labels and gift boxes play in creating an image in the minds of consumers.”

Talking about the packaging changes brought about by Amrut, Rakshit says, “We have improved the packaging for our premium and semi-premium brands like MaQintosh silver edition whisky, MaQintosh premium whisky, Papillon reserve brandy, Bejois Napoleon brandy, etc. These improvisations have resulted in increased sales volume for these brands.”

He terms the changes effected by Amrut “in the gift box and bottles very innovative. The main objective was to create loyalty for these brands with the attractive packaging. We have successfully achieved our objective.”

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