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Enriching exchange at Spiritz ThinkPad

The Indian alco-beverages industry is passing through a difficult time, though it had never been easy for it all these years. With GST set to roll out from April 2017, the industry’s woe-list is set to expand because liquor has been excluded from GST’s purview.

To analyse implications of GST for the industry and other issues, industry heads, senior professionals, journalists, trade officials, tax experts and marketers assembled at the five sessions of Spiritz 2016 ThinkPad at Hotel Leela Ambience, held on November 25–26, 2016.
The speakers travelled long distances to share their thoughts on the subjects of import for the industry. Apart from GST, other topics of discussion were: India as an emerging market, the truth about prohibition policy and its applicability, new trends in drinking, and how much actually has translated on the ground of the Make in India drive of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The speakers’ panel had a mix of experienced professionals and younger ones. Both generations shared their own perceptions and suggested solutions for the industry’s problems. The audience was engrossed listening to the enriching discourses and asked questions after each session.

All five sessions were really cerebral affairs. The proceedings of each session are presented in the following pages.

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