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‘Good opportunity for Chilean wines in India’- Carolina Vasquez Muñoz, Trade Comissioner – ProChile Commercial Office – Embassy of Chile

Whether India is an emerging market, our answer depends on which liquor product we are talking about. Surely, for whisky India is a mature market, not an emerging one, However, in
the case of wines, it is absolutely an emerging market. For Indian consumers, wine by and large is a new product. And, we also need to work in helping consumers learn about wines.

I have seen in some parties people using ice or water in wine because they think it’s similar to whisky. This I see as a clear signal of the emerging wine market. Changing this behaviour is a challenge we need to face. However, if it is something the consumer wants, then it’s fine with us. We face the similar situation in Russia where we export lots of wine. Russians add ice in their white wines. For us it’s not good but if the consumer wants it, then it’s perfect. We do try to maintain the essence of the product, but ultimately it depends on consumers how they want to enjoy it.

As the Indian consumer is open to taste new products and different flavours, I think it’s a very good opportunity for our Chilean wines. In Chile we see India as a very important market because it’s huge and we have space to grow. Obviously we cannot compare it with any other country like Japan, America, China or Europe because they are mature markets. You can find lots of Chilean wines there.

We don’t have to put so much effort in those countries. But now it is very important for us to conquer the Indian market in terms of wines. For consumers price can be an issue, as he/ she is new to wine. He/she may say, “Wine is an expensive product. I can buy a whisky for less.”

Now, it is a challenge for us to bring better products to India at less price. But this is something that we are working on and we can do that. We can customize our wines according to the needs of Indian consumers, as we understand that markets are completely different around the world. But, we need to work upon other matters, for example, the logistics chain. That is a challenge here. The weather in India is complicated, like Delhi is too hot for wines. That is something Indians and Chileans need to work together on.

India is growing so fast but I think you can do more and bigger. For that, certain things need to be done. I may be wrong in expressing these views. But, I don’t see any association for the alcoholic beverage sector. There are chambers of commerce but for other sectors. You need to
deal with duties, regulations, government, etc but I don’t see unique boys who can discuss and put the things on the table with the government and try to work together. Though we all are competitors, these issues are there for all of us to tackle.

I am sure in next 10-15 years, India will be the biggest wine marked ahead of China. For that we need to be prepared and work together, not only for wines but for the entire industry.

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