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Saying it right with packaging

Before the consumer tastes a spirit product with which he/she is not familiar, his/her impression of times. In the case of wine, the screw cap also helps ward off the danger of the liquid spoilage associated with the created by its overall packaging comprising the label, bottle and mono carton. To ensure that the consumer gets the desired message about the quality and standing of their products, liquor companies are going in for packaging innovations or modifying the existing product packaging.


In fact, going by the industry feedback, there has been a sea-change in liquor packaging facilitated by a marked improvement in the quality, design and choice of materials with respect to bottles, packaging and labels in the recent past. Packaging is being used not only to break the clutter at the point of sale but also establish a product’s premium or luxury credentials, particularly in the case of wines.


Notable among new packaging trends is the choice of signature bottles, screw caps for wines, pull-off caps for beer, gift packs, and use of lighter bottles which help in reducing the carbon footprint of liquor production. Both the pull-off cap and the screw cap have made it immensely easy for consumers to open beer and wine bottles than the earlier use of a tainted cork.

The new bottle trends are innovative shapes, luxurious decorations on glass bottles, and use of special techniques such as screen printing. Technology in plastic grades is also improving. In future, due to lessening of health concerns associated with plastic, more and more plastic bottles may be used.

Regarding the advancement of the Indian packaging companies, the industry is of the consensus view that these are quite competitive in terms of the cutting edge technology they use. And when it comes to dealing with higher volumes, then they are far ahead from most global alcobev packaging companies. They are well-placed to compete with their global counterparts, as they are capable of supplying any brand pack available in Europe or the Americas.

The packaging companies also have technology and expertise to fight counterfeiting. They can make a print job complicated enough for duplicators to desist from trying to cop

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